ToLiss A340-600
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V1.4 - December 7, 2024
It's been a very busy year since our last update of the A340-600 and we are happy to release today V1.4 (build 1629) of our A340-600. This update has a massive number of changes. There are graphic improvements, FMGS improvements, ECAM reworks, new failure mode, bug fixes and more. Also, the ISCS is now available in the EFB (like on our A330-900.)
The most reliable way of getting then update is to redownload the package from the store. We are changing the host for the updater repository, hence this update may not work via Skunkcrafts. Future updates will be able to use Skunkcrafts again.
Here is the detailed change log for this version:
This is V1.4 of the ToLiss A340-600, build 1629
Changes from V1.3.1:
New features:
- The ISCS is now available in the EFB, once enabled by the user.
- MCDU improvements:
. CLR command is now indented in scratchpad as in real life
. DIR TO page prefills the RADIAL IN on the DIR TO page as required
- ECAM improvement package:
. Overspeed warning now triggers based on actual flap/slat position and not lever position (PFD barber pole is still lever position driven as in real life.)
. Removed duplication of system titles if the same system shows multiple subsequent rows of ECAM messages.
. Weight display logic for SD: Prior to engine start, the dashes are now cyan. Weights now only show after engine start, like in real life.
- FMGS improvement package:
. Added possibility to use Airport ICAO codes as waypoints
. Bug fixes for the path computation leading to an overall much stabler path computation in complex procedures.
. Empty flight plan shows as PPOS / Discon rather than just "End of flpn" and can be built up from there.
. VIA selection is now automatic, if there is exactly one VIA that matches the selected FINAL and STAR.
. Constraints of first waypoint in STAR are not dropped anymore.
- New failure modes:
. Slow and rapid decompression
. Added high lift failures, including loss of SFCC channels and slats/flaps lock
. Windshears with both Predictive and Reactive W/S detection and indication.
- Added simulation of trapped hydraulic fluid in asymmetric actuators such as landing gear or spoiler actuators.
- Added pitch influence to the RADALT value, so that the RADALT decreases when you pitch up (like IRL)
- Added limitation with filtering to the maximum number of waypoints shown on ND when WPT overlay selected.
- Quick starts for engine and APU are now available in the ISCS
- Mapped flight number to x-plane dataref "sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/flight_id" for third party plugin interfacing.
- Improved Master Warning flashing frequency.
- Terrain on ND drawing around the airport is now inhibited for areas of same elevation as the airport.
- The guard portion in the flap lever is now separately animated.
- Added CTR to inner tank transfer via AFT pumps if main ctr tank pumps are failed.
- Added selected heading value on ND, if in ARC mode, the heading bug is not visible.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug with the date on Wind and Flight plan data printouts
- Fixed the undesired transparency of the mirror on the cockpit rear wall
- Fixed deicing animation for the wings.
- Fixed issue with the interaction between the CLR button and the status page
- Fixed issue with status page overflow.
- The emergency generator now consumes hydraulic fluid.
- The emergency generator now cuts out when the slats are extended
- The magnetic variation model now updates for the current year.
- Fixed FMA alignment of armed modes and issue with empty boxes
- Extended the permissible value range for FCU speed window to 399kts and Mach 0.99 like in real life
- Extended the permissible value range for FCU altitude window to 49000ft like in real life
- Fixed the width of the green lights on the FCU.
- Fixed behaviour of the FCU HDG managed dot when a managed mode (NAV, LOC, APPR) is armed.
- Fixed shape of the ADF2 needle on the ND.
- Removed GS indication on ND, when the associated ADIRU is OFF or invalid.
- Made the deceleration when descending through the SPD LIM altitude smoother.
- ISI startup correction: QNH is also visible during ISI startup; moved QNH to right location.
- Removed CHG CODE field for other phases than PREFLIGHT or DONE.
- Improved string termination on MCDU string datarefs.
- Fixed an issue with SID route in alternate plan on first alternate plan programming.
- Fixed an issue with waypoints preceded by a discon where the outgoing leg is of the CI/CD/CR/CA or VI/VR/VD type.
- Fixed FMA indication for managed descent on profile with significantly too slow speed.
- Fixed issue with the beta target leading to excessive rudder deflection and spoiler extension on the wrong side.
- Corrected Ctr Tank gravity feed into inner tanks 2 and 3
- Improved landing gear compression at low weights
V1.3.1 - November 30, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue with CTDs when printing documents with 80 chars in one line
- Fixed the missing Checklist.xml file to prevent crashing of the EFB
- Retuned the main panel textures and the sidestick textures
- Fading out of the engine buzzsaw sound at high altitudes is now present.
V1.3 - November 22, 2023
Changes from V1.2.2 (Build 1553) to V1.3 (Build 1598)
This new version adds numerous new ground vehicles (cargo loading,
passenger stairs, catering truck and animated deicing), adds the cockpit
print function and features reworked cockpit textures. There are new system failure modes such as Radio Altimeter faults or hydraulic overheat.
New features:
- Added In-cockpit printer
- Added new ground service vehicles: Cargo loading, animated deicing, Food trucks and passenger stairs
- New cockpit textures
- Added Radio Altimeter faults
- Added new hydraulic overheat model, including HYD ECAM rework as required.
- FADEC needs 2-3 seconds to power up
- Popout windows now remain visible in external view
- Added option to do Pilot Edge ATIS requests
- Added dependency on respective electrical busses for oil press indication validity
- Added Shed and Land Recovery information to SD ELEC pages.
Bug fixes:
- Improved bleed pressure at cruise
- Improved altitude alert logic (C chord and flashing frame)
- Simbrief wind upload should work again. (Note that it extracts the
data from the wind data field, not from the flight plan itself.)
- Fixed managed speed profile in Go Around after acceleration altitude
- Removed armed NAV mode when performing a TO without FDs.
- Prevent overwriting of cruise waypoint wind data when reaching TOC or initiating S/Cs.
- improved go around engagement logic, to all GA engagement also in climb phase.
- Added 3s timeout when pressing the status page with status "NORMAL".
- Round metric FCU altitude on PFD to 10m
- Improved logic for C-chord and altitude frame pulsing
- Improved Flight Control Computer backup supply logics
V1.2.2 - January 18, 2023
Changes from V1.2.1 (Build 1549) to V1.2.2 (Build 1553)
Bug fixes:
- Wx radar working again now
- Taxi Camera working again
- Improved issue with "Hoppie ID check" failed
- Added more syntax options for pre-departure clearance
- DCDU messages can now be removed if sending fails to allow clearing messages erroneously ending up on the DCDU.
- Fixed erroneous appearance of GPS PRIMARY LOST, when going into ATSU on on-side MCDU
- Enabled reverting to the FMGS mode on the MCDU by pressing any FMGS page keys (along as an FMGS available for the MCDU to connect to.)
- Improved A/THR engagement behaviour when loading an in-flight situation while on the ground with engines off
V1.2.1 - January 1, 2023
Changes from V1.2 (Build 1541 ) to V1.2.1 (Build 1549)
Major new features:
- Added AOC functions for Pre-departure clearance and ATIS/METAR/TAF requests in the Hoppie network
- Adapted cockpit and cabin lighting to XP12.00 status
Minor new features:
- Adapted flight physics to XP12.00 status
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue with the thrust information provided to the FMGS leading to erroneous climb profile prediction
- Prevent polling Hoppie when VHF3 is not set to data.
- Minor 3d model fixes
- Fixed anti-ice interaction with X-plane 12
V1.2 - November 21, 2022
Changes from V1.1.3 (Build 1525) to V1.2 (Build 1541)
This is a BIG update introducing major new features such as completion of the EFB, introduction of Hoppie-based CPDLC, and native M1 support for Mac M1 users.
Major new features:
- EFB TO performance calculator for detailled TO performance calculation considering Anti Ice, Packs, etc.
- EFB LDG performance calculator including METAR retrieval (X-plane 11 and X-plane 12 built-in weather) for user-selectable airport
- EFB interactive checklist page with user-customizable checklists via xml files.
- CPDLC integration based on the Hoppie network
- Native M1 support on Mac OS.
Minor new features:
- Added icing model to our custom engine model
- Added option to always use the simbrief wind data for wind requests (independent of x-plane WX setting)
- Texture improvements
- Added pilot models in external view
Bug fixes:
- Fixed chocks logic for start with engines running
- Improved anti-ice operation in XP12
- Selecting an RNP value of 0.3NM or less with an RNAV approach will make it an RNP-AR approach
- Improved glide slope capture behaviour
- Improvements to Direct To function with abeam points
- Fixed decals on rear doors
- Fixed kink in passenger window frame on left side of mid fuselage
V1.1.3 - September 29, 2022
Changes from V1.1.2 Bbuild 1520 ) to V1.1.3 (Build 1525)
Bug fixes:
- Enabled use of airports with new runway surface types in XP12 (e.g. KSFO, KLAX, KJFK etc)
- Fixed update of total payload weight when changing passengers via the IACP.
- Fixed an issue with resettable FCC faults.
- Reduced how much the fuselage seams show in XP12 with the default and Airbus house liveries
- Fixed issues with the particle effects
- Retuned FBW pitch law for XP12 flight physics
- Improved reverser response time after touch-down
- Adapted altimeter readings to new XP12 atmospheric model
- Improved A/THR speed hold parameters to reduce thrust oscillations in gusty conditions
- Fixed overlap between Approach indicator and TRUE label on ND
- Brought particle effects in XP11 back
V1.1.2 - September 6, 2022
Changes from V1.1.1 (build 1508) to V1.1.2 (build 1520)
With XP12 being now available in Early Access, we can release the
aircraft with all the files needed to run it in XP12. And as we didn't
slack in between, we also added a few new features. Here is the change log for the new version V1.1.2, Build 1520:
Minor new features:
- ECAM action processing reworked to include overflow management and correct order of clearing items
- Added Weight & Balance page to EFB (besides Avitab)
- Added Radio Navigation and transponder failures, including associated ECAM caution messages and PFD/ND flags
Bug fixes:
- Corrected the bulk cargo door animation
- Improvement of the engine_running flag for better interfacing with 3rd party addons.
- Syncing of the N2 value from our custom engine model for better interfacing with 3rd party addons.
- Improved SID/STAR scrolling on departure and arrival MCDU pages
You can enjoy this both in X-plane 11 and X-plane 12!
V1.1.1 - August 9, 2022
Changes from V1.1 (Build 1503) to V1.1.1 (Build 1508)
Minor new features:
- Cockpit texture retuning
- DDRMI now shows the flags for HDG and invalid bearings as needed
- Custom engine model writes to x-plane's native "engine running" dataref for improved compatibility with 3rd party addons
- Option to remove window reflections and scratches for those who do not like it
- Improved pushback truck
- Added fuel truck animations for slow refueling via IACP.
Bug fixes:
- Simbrief import now imports callsign instead of flight number
- Simbrief import now correctly imports waypoints on NAT tracks
- Destination airport elevation import with simbrief import fixed
- No more "seat motor" sound if the aircraft is actually off (motor not powered)
- No more shutdown of engines 1 and 2 when exiting replay
- Improved size of seat adjustment size to allow finding it more easily.
- IACP should now work in VR also
- the white pointer on the ALT 100/1000ft selector and the baro unit selector is back.
- Fixed the side window lever going through the EFB when opening the window.
V1.1 - June 20, 2022 (XP12 support - no upgrade required)
Changes from V1.0.3 (Build 1470) to V1.1 (1503)
Major new features:
- XP12 adaptations
- Custom engine model for more realistic thrust and fuel flow values
- ACARS functionality for direct download of Simbrief plans into the active or the secondary flight plan
- ACARS functionality to retrieve TO data for various runways of the departure airport
- ACARS functionality to retrieve wind data from simbrief flight plan and enter them in the flight plan.
- New ACP interactive screen to request ground services, change fuel or passengers without the ISCS.
- FMGS plan editing overhaul, enabling temporary flight plans also for the alternate plan
- Database holds are now available
- Offset function now available
- Cockpit 3d model rework, including improved switch geometry and moving cockpit seats/arm rests
- Cockpit side windows can now be opened. This will affect air conditioning simulation.
- Rework of the rear section of the fuselage to correctly model the slanted windows.
- Complete retexturing of the fuselage
- Addition of new failure modes for a total of 249 different failure modes, these include now recoverable computer failures
- Implementation of all in-cockpit RESET switches (Airbus long range equivalent to in-cockpit circuit breakers)
Minor new features:
- VLS increases with speed brake deflection
- Made the engine inlets smoother. (Refined grid)
- Added new engine failure modes: recoverable flame out, engine failure with damage, hot start,
- You can now put on the oxygen mask by removing it from its container
- Added (ETP) circle on ND to display the Equitime point
- Option to control internal and external volume levels via x-plane sliders or custom ISCS sliders
- Added Filtering and rate limiting for FMGS position for more realisitic ND behaviour on ADIRU init completion
- Open pax doors or cockpit windows now have an effect on the temperature in the adjacent zone
- Added option to always have the display brightness rotaries starting at the 80% position, even for cold and dark start
- Functional on-ground deicing via the new ACP interactive screen to avoid nasty surprised during take-offs in icing conditions
Bug fixes:
- Fixed rear fuselage geometry to incorporated sloped windows and cabin floor. Unfortunately this requires rework of all addon liveries with the latest paint kit.
- Corrected trigger condition for NW STRG INOP status message
- Allow regular gear extension with ADR2 data only
- Reenabled constraint editing directly on the FPLN A page
V1.0.3 - February 10, 2022
Changes from V1.0.2 (Build 1467) to V1.0.3 (Build 1470)
Minor new features:
- Added the Option to have NAV mode reengage automatically on Go Around initiation
- Updated engine model to allow "seeing through" the bypass channel as in real life
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue with sounds and particle effect after loading a situation with landing gear retracted
- Fixed dancing XPDR switch after pressing CLR twice
- Increase flap lever sound volume by 3dB
- MCDU CI entry is now range limited
- Inhibited the speed trend indication below 30kts IAS on ground
- Vertical FD guidance during TO rotation much smoother now
- Improved FMA indications for ALT CRZ capture and VS 0
- Improved behaviour of the ALT push button on FCU
- Improved default wing flex magnitude
- Engine sound volume readjustment
- Changed Radalt offset such that radalt reads 0 when first set of wheels touches
V1.0.2 - January 6, 2022
Changes from V1.01 (Build 1454) to V1.0.2 (Build 1467)
Minor new features:
- Electrical system now features battery self test
- ISCS sliders now allow editing the values with keyboard for better precision
- Custom landing gear particle model
- Custom landing gear tire rotation model to allow individual speeds for the forward and aft wheels on the same bogey
- Fault injections can now trigger on increasing or on decreasing values of altitude and air speed
- Added flap animation and nose landing gear animation to taxi cam
- Added CVR self test
- Added chocks to keep aircraft in place at the gate
- Reworked cockpit, ground contact and engine sounds (with friendly support of Henrik Ku)
- Added animated hydraulic lines to landing gear
- Added animated RAT
Bug fixes:
- Resolved an issue with the brake fans
- DC BAT bus shows invalid data, if BAT1 and BAT2 are switched off
- When preselecting a heading on ground, the FCU heading window will initialize with the current heading
- Reduced IRS drift values by half for more realistic values
- Made behaviour of CLR button XPDR panel more realistic
- When selecting flaps 1 for landing, the Status page will now be called (As it should) if status is not normal
- When status paged called automatically, the STS key now lights up and can be used to remove the status page
- When Using Auto Brake to full stop, pressing pedals won't disengage it like is the case in real life
- Minor FMGS fixes
- Corrected locations of wing condensation emitters.
- Moved location of engine particle emitters further aft to better match engine location
- Fixed standby compass
- Corrected pack inhibition condition on ground with doors open (applies now only when engines are running)
- Fixed animation of spoiler 3 actuator on right wing
- Fixed flex temp range
- Fixed FBW roll angle limits
- Improved AP turn direction depending on FCU heading rotation knob
- FCU green button lights now respond to the ANN LT switch as they should (instead of the FCU background light rotary)
- SD Weight/CG on ground indication is now a function of the data entered on INIT B page
- Retuned idle thrust for more accurate descent profile following
- Improved reliability of automatic pitch trim setting prior to take-off
- Increased ground cart pressure for better engine start performance
V1.0.1 - October 29, 2021
Changes from V1.0 (Build 1451) to V1.0.1 (Build 1454)
Minor new features:
- Added a switch to inhibit the cabin object in all views to reduce VRAM usage on weaker machines
- Added a switch to inhibit only the inseat screens in the cabin without removing the entire cabin for performance optimization
- Sound volumes now respond to the x-plane sound setting sliders for internal and external sounds
- Improved engine fan modelling and engine textures
Bug fixes:
- Increased rolling drag to reduce maximum taxi speed achieved at idle
- Force fuselage model to use high resolution textures in the Hi Def model to avoid appearance of seams
- Replaced ALT mode armed with ALT CRZ mode armed when FCU is set to cruise alt
- Fixed switch animations on EVAC panel
- Reduced maximum step size when rotating FCU knobs
- Fixed ABV/BLW function of the TCAS system
- Retuned pitch take-off transition from ground to flight law
- Retuned flare law, including pitch compensation for ailerons going up on the ground
- Fixed a crash with Direct To Radial Out function
- Fixed an issue with the CI cruise speed
- Improved pitch warning callout conditions
- Improved braking action at low weight
- Fixed visibility of fast rotating fan blades through cabin windows
- Fixed normal map issue in standard def model leading to excessive reflections on cockpit side elements
- Fixed semi-transparent door sills on fuselage
- Fixed position of window plugs in center fuse
V1.0 - October 25, 2021
The ToLiss A340-600 is released !