ToLiss A321 & A321 NEO
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V1.7.1 - February 28, 2025
We just updated the A321 to V1.7.1 (build 1637). The update is available via Skunkcrafts and via download from the org store (the other stores to follow shortly)
Here is the change log:
Changes from V1.7:
Minor new features:
- Added the gLoad indicator on the SD during excessive gLoad maneuvers
- Autoland light is now operational
- Sorted ISCS Situation list alphabetically also on Mac and Linux
- Changed drawing of FMS route on ND to cut drawing off past routes and improved drawing order
Bug fixes:
- If in mode LOC/G/S or LAND if both MMRs fail, the AP will disconnect
- If in mode Alpha Floor, pressing the instinctive disconnect buttons on the throttles disengages Alpha Floor (even if conditions for Alpha Floor still present)
- Below DH, CAT 3 DUAL is frozen, even if conditions revert to CAT 3 Single
- Improved cabin temperature control algorithm to prevent integrator runaway during longer durations on LP air on the ground
- EFB ISCS now dims with EFB brightness setting
- Reduced risk of airplane going into "crashed" state after situation load through the EFB.
- Removed text overlap under IMM EXIT on flight plan B page.
- Fixed labels on right side of the thrust levers
- Fixed background lighting for N1 mode switches for the IAE engine
- Improvements to Soft GA logic in the context of engine failures. (A321 neo specific fix)
- When in mode HDG, the managed speed target now ignores speed constraints like in real life
V1.7 - December 13, 2024
And finally the A321 has also now received its update to V1.7 (Build 1631).
Due to migration of our updater repository, we recommend that you redownload the aircraft from the stores. Future updates will be able to use the Skunkcrafts updater again.
Like its smaller siblings, the aircraft now supports ISCS in the EFB, has new failure modes, reworked and improved FMS and MCDU functions, ECAM actions etc. Also, if you are using the NEO, the A321XLR has updated fuel configuration matching that of the first A321XLR in service. We also added the XLR fuel panel on the overhead!
Here is the complete change log (Changes from V1.6.2):
New features:
- Hydraulic improvement package:
. Added simulation of trapped hydraulic fluid in asymmetric actuators such as landing gear or spoiler actuators.
. Fixed the PTU overheat when ENG1 is failed.
- MCDU improvement package:
. CLR command is now indented in scratchpad as in real life
. DIR TO page prefills the RADIAL IN on the DIR TO page as required
. FPLN Page Destination EFOB turns amber, if below minimum required.
- ECAM improvement package:
. Overspeed warning now triggers based on actual flap/slat position and not lever position (PFD barber pole is still lever position driven as in real life.)
. Removed duplication of system titles if the same system shows multiple subsequent rows of ECAM messages.
. Weight display logic for SD: Prior to engine start, the dashes are now cyan. Weights now only show after engine start, like in real life.
. Status page improvement: Approach procedures for hydraulic faults
. Rework of the ECAM messages for electrical bus failures to represent a newer FWC standard
- FMGS improvement package:
. Added possibility to use Airport ICAO codes as waypoints
. Bug fixes for the path computation leading to an overall much stabler path computation in complex procedures.
. Empty flight plan shows as PPOS / Discon rather than just "End of flpn" and can be built up from there.
. VIA selection is now automatic, if there is exactly one VIA that matches the selected FINAL and STAR.
. Constraints of first waypoint in STAR are not dropped anymore.
- Added cross track error display on ground prior to departure
- New failure modes:
. Slow and rapid decompression
. THS jam.
. Cargo smoke, including latched closure of the isolation valves
. Added high lift failures, including loss of SFCC channels and slats/flaps lock
. Windshears with correct REAC W/S detection and indication.
- Visual improvement package:
. Added AoA Vanes to fuselage model
. Fixed the tiller textures
. Animated the flap lever guard
. Correct the eye reference ball colors and location
. Fixed text overlaps on the overhead panel
- Added new Circuit breakers (for high lift, air conditioning packs, ...) bringing the total to 242
- Added pitch influence to the RADALT value, so that the RADALT decreases when you pitch up (like IRL)
- Added limitation with filtering to the maximum number of waypoints shown on ND when WPT overlay selected.
- Quick starts for engine and APU are now available on the Joystick/Actions tab.
- Mapped flight number to x-plane dataref "sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/flight_id" for third party plugin interfacing.
- Improved Master Warning flashing frequency.
- Terrain on ND drawing around the airport is now inhibited for areas of same elevation as the airport.
- If you select a livery with 2 OWE pairs, the maximum number of passengers will increase to 160.
- Added selected heading value on ND, if in ARC mode the heading bug is not visible.
- A321neo package specific improvements:
. Adapted fuel capacities for the XLR to the real life values that are now available
. Implemented the new RCT fuel panel for the A321XLR
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue with the interaction between the CLR button and the status page
- Fixed issue with status page overflow.
- The emergency generator now consumes hydraulic fluid.
- The magnetic variation model now updates for the current year.
- Fixed FMA alignment of armed modes and issue with empty boxes
- Extended the permissible value range for FCU speed window to 399kts and Mach 0.99 like in real life
- Extended the permissible value range for FCU altitude window to 49000ft like in real life
- ISI startup correction: QNH is also visible during ISI startup; moved QNH to right location.
- Removed CHG CODE field for other phases than PREFLIGHT or DONE.
- Improved string termination on MCDU string datarefs.
- Fixed an issue with SID route in alternate plan on first alternate plan programming.
- Fixed an issue with waypoints preceded by a discon where the outgoing leg is of the CI/CD/CR/CA or VI/VR/VD type.
- Fixed FMA indication for managed descent on profile with significantly too slow speed.
- Fixed behaviour of the FCU HDG managed dot when a managed mode (NAV, LOC, APPR) is armed.
- Fixed shape of the ADF2 needle on the ND.
- Removed GS indication on ND, when the associated ADIRU is OFF or invalid.
- Made the deceleration when descending through the SPD LIM altitude smoother.
- Fixed issue with the beta target leading to excessive rudder deflection and spoiler extension on the wrong side.
- Corrected the color of the RAM Air Inlet indication when open in flight.
- Disabled autobrake if 2 or more SECs are lost.
- Fixed a bug that could cause sending many requests to the Hoppie network in a short period of time.
- Miscellaneous other bug fixes
V1.6.2 - December 5, 2023
Changes from V1.6.1 (Build 1595) to V1.6.2 (Build 1600)
New feature:
- New ISCS option to allow rudder pedals to fully deflect the nose wheel in VR mode in XP12.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed logic for ELAC/SEC reversion to backup power supply
- Changed RMP logic to maintain VHF selection during power transients
- Fixed the ENG1 PWG engine fan blade animation (A321 neo only)
- Fixed Cargo door animations
- Fixed APU flap animations
- Increased LOC reception range to values higher than the database value (which is the minimum distance with guaranteed accuracy)
- Fixed issue with new FAC logic that could lead to loss of A/THR during power transients
- Improved Dept RWY remapping on situation load
- Added Overheat indication on HYD SD as appropriate
- Updated A321LR and XLR fuel synoptic page to newer standard
- Improved logic for MCDU class II messages
- Maintain VHF selection in the RMPs during power tranients
- Fixed issue with EFB TO Performance calculator when using AUTO flap setting.
- Fixed issue with managed speed target during touch and goes.
- Fixed issue with disappearing ISCS option for BUSS switches for A321 XLR.
- Fixed a bug with the date on Wind and Flight plan data printouts
V1.6.1 - October 22, 2023
Changes from V1.6 (Build 1589) to V1.6.1 (Build 1595)
Some of the most important new features are:- BUSS switches for the A321neo - Increased number of functional C/Bs to over 200 - Hydraulic temperature model, including overheat faults - More detailled FADEC model and lots more. This should make this the perfect choice to cross the pond next weekend!
New features:
- Added new C/Bs brining the total number of functional C/Bs to 211- New faults: Yaw Damper, Rudder Travel Limiter, Rudder Trim
- New faults: Hydraulic system overheat
- FADEC needs 2-3 seconds to power up
- Popout windows now remain visible in external view
- ATIS requests via the Hoppie network can now also query the PilotEdge network
- New failure modes: FADEC faults- Reordered ECAM messages to represent newer FWC standard- ACP knobs are now moving up and down
- Added Ignition failures to ECAM. (Use C/Bs to disable ignition)
- Added the option to enable BUSS switches for the A321NEO
Bug fixes:
- Elimiated penetrating pieces when deflecting the flaps to full on the A321NEO.
- Corrected the arrangment of the Taxi and TO lights in the nose landing gear.
- Changed FMA indication to maximum of CAT 2 when A/THR is not engaged.
- Brought TRx INOP status message back on SD Status page.
- Fixed HYD Page PTU color when conditions for PTU to operate are not met.
- Round metric FCU altitude on PFD to 10m
- Improved FAC FAULT ECAM actions
- Added 3s timeout when pressing the status page with status "NORMAL".
- Use FMGS weights for VLS if initialized.
- Reworked behaviour of the FAC cutout switches
- MCDU APPR speed predictions take current weight, when approach phase active.
- PTU should not be able to power circuits without fluid anymore
- with dual RA fault, LG not down warning should trigger with flaps 3 or 4
- improved go around engagement logic, to all GA engagement also in climb phase.
- Improved ISCS open/closing in VR
- Removed armed NAV mode when performing a TO without FDs.
- Prevent overwriting of cruise waypoint wind data when reaching TOC or initiating S/Cs.
- Improved contour matching for artifical cockpit window reflections
- Fixed managed speed profile in Go Around after acceleration altitude
- Fixed the ON light in the ENG 2 N1 mode switch for the IAE engine
- Simbrief wind upload should work again. (Note that it extracts the data from the wind data field, not from the flight plan itself.)
- Fixed number of blades in the PW1100G engine.
- Improved bleed pressure at cruise
- Improved altitude alert logic (C chord and flashing frame)
V1.6 - July 14, 2023
Changes from V1.5.1 (Build 1553) to V1.6 (Build 1589)
The new version is V1.6 (build 1589) and this update brings the aircraft
to the same level as our A320neo (with the respective functional
difference between the two RL aircraft of course.)
Major new features:
- Apple Native M1/M2 compatibility
- New cockpit textures
- Animated cockpit windows, sunshades, tray tables etc.
- Pilot models in external view
- Full ground services suite, including animated deicing
- ACARS Print function
- Rework of the sound suite for all engine types
Minor new features:
- ISCS redesign including a scalable ISCS.
- Retuned VLS and approach pitch
- Retuned the pitch moment balance with extended flaps
- Addition of 24 new C/Bs bringing the total to 161 functional C/Bs
- Addition of Radio Altimeter failure model
- Improved aircraft startup sequence simulating also MCDU, FWC and FMGS startup times
- Oil temperature indication on ECAM now changes according to logic specific for the given engine type
- Increase landing gear tire resolution for a rounder experience
- Added console lights (XP12 only)
- Increase number of possible simultaneous faults to 20
- Added PRED WS OFF memo
- Automatic reversion to arrival or departure ATIS request if regular ATIS is not available (via Hoppie network)
- Added DDRMI failure flags in case of loss of power or invalid needle angles
- Added different flap angles between A321CEO and A321NEO as in real life
Bug fixes:
- Added autopilot disconnection on manual trim.
- Reduced minimum valid preselected speed to allow speeds below 160kts.
- Improved mouse wheel pitch trim speed
- Fixed a bug with the descent profile following if below transition level and QNH in MCDU and QNH on FCU don't match
- Some improvements to the smartcopilot.cfg file
- Fixed a bug that caused the GS Mini not to be considered with pilot selected VAPP.
- Fixed jitter of the L/DEV and V/DEV scales that can occur under
certain conditions when performing a GA during a non-precisiong approach
- Inhibit of EGT OVERLIMIT warning following an engine shutdown due to fire
- Brought the REV SET ECAM Caution back
- Fixed mouse wheel function on WX Radar System switches
- Fixed FBW behaviour in case of loss of both FAC (no reversion to direct on L/G extension)
- Fixed FBW upmode logic to allow automatic upmode to normal law if conditions triggering a degenerated law are gone.
- Fixed link between APU start capability and battery availability
- Improved VLS computation in dual hydraulic cases with slats frozen in the retracted position.
- Improved rudder authority for VMGC and Beta target
- Fixed a crash in PDC/CPDLC messages if there are space characters in the wrong spot.
- Fixed a bug with fuel consumption during 200NM jumps
V1.5.1 - January 26, 2023
Changes from V1.5 (Build 1551) to V1.5.1 (Build 1553)
Bug fixes:
- Added more syntax options for pre-departure clearance
- DCDU messages can now be removed if sending fails to allow clearing messages erroneously ending up on the DCDU.
- Fixed MCDU engagement on FMGC logic
- Fixed erroneous appearance of GPS PRIMARY LOST, when going into ATSU on on-side MCDU
- Enabled reverting to the FMGS mode on the MCDU by pressing any FMGS
page keys (along as an FMGS available for the MCDU to connect to.)
- Improved A/THR engagement behaviour when loading an in-flight situation while on the ground with engines off
- Fixed X-plane 11 lights for the new Multi function Runway lights (A321 NEO only)
V1.5 - January 11, 2023
Changes from V1.4.1 (build 1524) to V1.5 (build 1551)
There are tons of new features, most importantly the addition of CPDLC and AOC functions as well as the completion of the EFB.
Major new features:
- Adapted cockpit and cabin lighting to XP12.00 status
- EFB TO performance calculator for detailled TO performance calculation considering Anti Ice, Packs, etc.
- EFB LDG performance calculator including METAR retrieval (X-plane 11 and X-plane 12 built-in weather) for user-selectable airport
- EFB interactive checklist page with user-customizable checklists via xml files.
- CPDLC integration based on the Hoppie network
- AOC functions for Pre-departure clearance and ATIS/METAR/TAF requests in the Hoppie network
Minor new features:
- Adapted flight physics to XP12.00 status
- Added icing model to our custom engine model
- Added option to always use the simbrief wind data for wind requests (independent of x-plane WX setting)
- ACP PA knob is now independent on the different ACPs for better procedure following
- NEO specific feature: Multifunctional runway lights selectable via ISCS
Bug fixes:
- Fixed cabin air temperature computation with a passenger door open
- Improved the handling of scenery and AIRAC runway ID mismatch
- Retuned the XP11 take-off dynamics
- Fixed chocks logic for start with engines running
- Improved anti-ice operation in XP12
- Selecting an RNP value of 0.3NM or less with an RNAV approach will make it an RNP-AR approach
- Improved glide slope capture behaviour
- Improvements to Direct To function with abeam points
- Outer transfer valves are now closing with IACP refuelling
- Fixed LG extension inhibit above 260kts
- Removed "SPD DO NOT USE" message for SEC 2 or SEC 3 faults
- Improved Flap track fairing geometry
- Fixed mouse lag once and for all
- Fixed overlaying fast and slow blades in the engines
V1.4.1 - September 23, 2022
Changes from V1.4 (build 1522) to V1.4.1 (build 1524)
Minor new features:
- VLS increase due to speed brakes is now inhibited when SEC 1 is failed. (No speed brake information to FAC)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed animation for right rudder pedal
- Fixed Dome lighting effect
- Corrected the Beacon light ON position
- Removed the ECON FLOW ON light on A321 configuration with pack flow selector
- Brought rudder trim knob animation back
- Removed grey frames around the display unit screens
- Corrected the mouse drag axis for spoiler lever, flap lever and engine levers
- Corrected left FCU light knob orientation
- DDRMI is now hidden again when flying a NEO
- Fixed standby compass lighting
- Removed the invisible line in the Avitab that triggers diverse cockpit switches
- Updated SASL version to address crashes and performance issues on OS X and Linux
- Reworked Audio Control Panels as a whole
- Adjusted cockpit door opening animation
- Improved interaction with FCU when not in VR
- Removed the spurious ACT XFR FAULT message during slow refuelling on the ground
- Refuelling through IACP now requests fuel amount in lbs when using imperial units
- Fixed internal/external sound override function
- Made Anti Ice work in XP12 also
- VLS increase due to speedbrakes does not affect green dot speed anymore (except in XLR configuration)
- Fixed particle effects when engines are off
- Removed the spurious N/W STRG FAULT message when starting the engines during pushback
- Fixed elevator behaviour after landing
- Improved reverser response time after touch-down
- Fixed frequency selection in RMP (prevent it from jumping multiple steps at once)
- Adapted altimeter readings to new XP12 atmospheric model
- Retuned FBW pitch law for XP12
- Improved A/THR speed hold parameters to reduce thrust oscillations in gusty conditions
V1.4 - September 14, 2022 (XP12 product REQUIRED)
Changes from V1.3.2 (build 1469) to V1.4 (build 1522)
The new A321 V1.4 (build 1522) version, is now XP11 and XP12
compatible. (The XP10 support is now terminated with the arrival of
Major new features:
- XP12 adaptations
- Custom engine model for more realistic thrust and fuel flow values and new engine failure modes
- Circuit breakers with accurate system response (Current over 100 circuit breaker available)
- ACARS functionality for direct download of Simbrief plans into the active or the secondary flight plan
- ACARS functionality to retrieve TO data for various runways of the departure airport
- ACARS functionality to retrieve wind data from simbrief flight plan and enter them in the flight plan.
- New ACP interactive screen to request ground services, change fuel or passengers without the ISCS.
- EFB on captain on copilot side. (Currently featuring Avitab and weight and balance computer)
- FMGS plan editing overhaul, enabling temporary flight plans also for the alternate plan
- Database holds are now available (besides Pilot and computed holds previously available)
- Offset function now available
- Addition of new failure modes for a total of 210+ different failure modes, these include now recoverable computer failures
- More than 70 new ECAM messages
- Animated push buttons in the cockpit
- Moving pilot seats and arm rests
Minor new features:
- VLS increases with speed brake deflection
- Added (ETP) circle on ND to display the Equitime point
- Option to control internal and external volume levels via x-plane sliders or custom ISCS sliders
- Added Filtering and rate limiting for FMGS position for more realisitic ND behaviour on ADIRU init completion
- Open pax doors now have an effect on the temperature in the adjacent zone
- Added option to always have the display brightness rotaries starting at the 80% position, even for cold and dark start
- Functional on-ground deicing via the new ACP interactive screen to avoid nasty surprises during take-offs in icing conditions
- Improved pushback truck
- Added fuel truck animations for slow refueling via IACP.
- Added Radio Navigation and transponder failures, including associated ECAM caution messages and PFD/ND flags
Bug fixes:
- Reenabled constraint editing directly on the FPLN A page
- ECAM action processing reworked to include overflow management and correct order of clearing items
- Improved 3d model nose geometry
- Corrected gear lever motion (rotation instead of translation)
- 3d model sidesticks now move on both sides
- Fixed opening direction of cockpit door
- Fixed Gaps at doors
- Improved pitch behaviour after dropping to direct mode from alternate mode on gear extension
- Improved SID/STAR scrolling on departure and arrival page
Note that all features (except XP12 specific rain effects) are available
in both XP11 and XP12. Also note that due to the change in supported x-plane versions, this update comes with an upgrade fee.
V1.3.2 - February 1, 2022 (Last update available for the XP11 version of the product)
Changes from V1.3.1 (build 1463) to V1.3.2 (Build 1469)
Major new features:
- NEO specific new feature: Support for FCS eRudder configuration
Minor new features:
- Added visible chocks to facilitate figuring out why the heck the airplane does not move
- Cockpit sound improvements
- Added the Option to have NAV mode reengage automatically on Go Around initiation
- Added CVR Test function
Bug fixes:
- Increased ground cart pressure for better engine start performance
- fixed issue that may lead to the Master Warning not always lighting up when it should
- some external light improvements
- Inhibited the speed trend indication below 30kts IAS on ground
- Vertical FD guidance during TO rotation much smoother now
- Improved fault light logics for hydraulic overhead switches
- Improved indication of PTU operation to prevent it going on and off repeatedly
V1.3.1 - December 7, 2021
Changes from V1.3 (build 1373) to V1.3.1 (build 1463)
As with the previous updates, all NEO changes are now included in the updater, so it is enough to just use the updater to get both the latest A321 CEO and A321 NEO. (No need to reinstall the NEO package after, unless you do a clean install from scratch.)
Minor new features:
- Electrical system now allows both batteries to feed the same bus simultaneously
- Electrical system now supports Battery charging test by switching them off and on.
- Added cargo heating simulation
- Added fuel temperature simulation
- Added IDG temperature simulation
- Rework of the SD COND, FUEL, and ELEC pages for better representational accuracy
- Added overflow management for the SD status page
- ISCS sliders now allow editing the values with keyboard for better precision
- Cargo fire extinguishing test is now operational
- Fault injections can now trigger on increasing or on decreasing values of altitude and air speed
- Added approach procedure on status page in case of alternate or direct mode reversion
- Added Backup Nav tuning to RMPs 1 and 2
- FCU lighting knobs below the FCU are now functional.
- New external lighting
- Addition of the smart thrust lever idle lock
- Simplified CHOCKS option to allow switching off the park brake
- Improved manual engine start procedure
- Added NavAid Deselection capability to MCDU
- A321 NEO now features appropriate NEO-specific pitch rotation and derotation laws
Bug fixes:
- DC BAT indication on SD ELEC Page becomes invalid, if both Batteries are selected off
- Generator is now cut off, as soon as the ENG fire push button is
pressed, even if the engine is still running on the fuel in the line
- Fuel system crossfeed works correctly now, feeding equally from both tanks even when all pumps are on.
- When preselecting a heading on ground, the FCU heading window will initialize with the current heading
- Reduced IRS drift values by half for more realistic values
- Engine Fire lights now work on battery power to faciliate procedure completion on ground
- Corrected behaviour of FADEC ground power switches, they are now momentary switches that will power the FADEC for 5 minutes when depressed once.
- Made behaviour of CLR button XPDR panel more realisitc
- When selecting flaps 1 for landing, the Status page will now be called (As it should) if status is not normal
- When status paged called automatically, the STS key now lights up and can be used to remove the status page
- When Using Auto Brake to full stop, pressing pedals won't disengage it like is the case in real life
- Now properly converting fuel amounts from kgs to lbs on PERF pages when imperial units selected
- Miscellaneous FMGS fixes
- Fixed FBW roll angle limits
- Improved AP turn direction depending on FCU heading rotation knob
- Corrected altnernate law reversion and AP loss logics for elevator loss cases
- Fixed erroneous ECAM fault messages for center tank pumps
- Fixed ECAM action logics for dual pack faults
- Fixed Air conditioning sound loop in XP10
- VR manipulator improvements
- Removed CTR TK FEEDING Memo from ECAM (exists only on aircraft with 5 wing tank fuel system config)
- On FLS approaches, the message "DISCONNECT AP FOR LDG" disappears now on GA initiation
- The SEC PERF page of the A321 NEO now correctly shows BARO and RADIO instead of the old MDA/DH
- Improvements to the list of inop systems for electrical bus failures
- Manual engine start now uses both igniter channels
- MCDU Prog Page shows flight number again
- If landing without retarding the thrust levers, firewalling the levers correctly changes A/THR modes
- Added missing wind field on Data/IRS page
V1.3 - June 2, 2021
Changes from V1.2.2 (build 1298) to V1.3 (build 1373)
After months of work, the update V1.3 for the A321 is now available via the updater. As with the previous updates, all NEO changes are now
included in the updater, so it is enough to just use the updater to get both the latest A321 CEO and A321 NEO. (No need to reinstall the NEO package after, unless you do a clean install from scratch.)
This update brings the same new features to the aircraft as the A319
received with V1.6, plus it brings Airbus' xLS system to the A321 NEO. We also changed things around for the autosave algorithm to reduce the risk of the autosave crashing.
Major new features:
- Pilot item database allowing the creation and storage of custom
waypoints, including associated page reconfigurations on DIR TO, FPLN, RAD NAV page etc.
- Bleed system upgrade to a quantitative bleed model affecting fuel consumption and take-off thrust
- Support for LDA, IGS, Localizer Backcourse and GLS approaches
- Complete rework of the PERF pages to add EO mode information as well as climb/descent predictions to a given altitude
- Rework of the PROG page to include EO mode information including indication of OEI gross ceiling and predictive GPS function
A321NEO specific new features:
- New NEO feature: Support for SBAS (SLS) LPV approaches
- New NEO feature: FLS PFD indication scales and autopilot modes for non-precision approaches
- New NEO feature: IRS INIT page adapted to the latest standard for aircraft with the simplified ADIRS overhead panel
Minor new features:
- When flying the IAE engine, the EWD now properly supports revision to N1 Mode
- TO performance calculator also determines whether packs need to be ON or OFF for the take-off.
- Complete redo of the SD pages ENG, BLEED, PRESS, and F/CTL for better representational accuracy
- FPLN page rework: Constraints are now shown prior to filing the INIT B page.
- FPLN page additional information: The Final approach slope is now shown
- Improved the lateral-directional handling qualities in manual flight
- Changes to altitude and speed constraints of the active flight plan create TEMPY flight plan.
- Added RAT and outflow valve to the external 3d model
- ISI popup is now also scalable
Bug fixes:
- Corrected PFD speed bug location during Go Around
- Prevented waypoint sequencing when flying in HDG mode in opposite direction of FMS path at current TO waypoint
- Fixed ILS indication location on PFD
- Improved AP vertical target tracking when flying with high Angles of Attack
- Fine tuning of the graphical representation in the EWD.
- Speed target for flap 3 landings is back to VAPP
- Waypoints can now be added at end of FPLN directly on the FPLN A page.
- Fixed issues with ground rolling and flap extension sounds
- Preventing engagement of both APs for a non-precision approach.
- Various small bug fixes
- Fixed ground spoiler activation logic when deploying reversers
- Improved the Dome lighting at night
- When reloading a situation faults are now correctly reinstated or reset
- Added triple click when the V/S protection mode engages
- Fixed A/THR arming logic for OEI Go arounds
- Fixed issues with the fault injection logics, when the ISCS remains on the fault injection page
- Improved functionality of the fault injection datarefs
- Improved NavAid Autotuning.
- Improved EGT computations to consider random sensor offset and effect of bleed and electric power use
- Jump to waypoint now advances the chronos as well as x-planes time
- ISCS text entry boxes now display a cursor
- ISCS dropdown lists are now constrained to remain within ISCS window
- Changes to the Autosave algorithm to make it less susceptible to crashes.
- Fixed excessive ground friction when landing with alternate braking or AntiSkid disabled
V1.2.2 - January 20, 2021
Changes from V1.2.1 (build 1295) to V1.2.2 (build 1298)
Minor new features:
- A321 NEO now features the FLAP/MCDU and PITCH TRIM/MCDU DISAGREE caution messages
- FMGS can now compute predictions across discontinuities
Bug fixes:
- Engine Fire now also works with engine at idle
- When performing a DIRTO with Radial In or Radial Out, the heading does not resync anymore upon insert, if already in Heading mode
- FIX INFO is now available again during PREFLIGHT Phase.
- RNP departures from NZQN RW23 work now as they should.
- Reduced speed trend and vertical FD jitter occuring during high accelerations
- Fine tuned AP altitude tracking and capture
- Improved LEAP and PWG startup sounds
- Brakes will not stop working below 2kts anymore.
- Removed aileron anti-droop on A321 NEO, as that feature does not exist IRL
- Livery control strings now work, if there is no livery config file present.
V1.2.1 - January 5, 2021
Changes from V1.2 (build 1290) to V1.2.1 (build 1295)
Minor new features:
- Oil quantity now decreases when the engine is running and increases
when engine is stopped and all the oil accumulates in the sump.
- Crew oxygen is now consumed if you breath through the oxygen mask.
- Added AP TCAS mode for the A321 NEO
- Added Soft Go Around mode for the A321 NEO
- NEO specific cockpit changes: DDRMI disappears and ECON FLOW switch is replaced by Pack Flow switch, if a NEO engine is selected.
- Aircraft registration is now in a separate object (selcal.obj) with
separate texture to easily adapt the registration to custom liveries
- Added Minimum and 100 above callouts for MDA/Baro minima
Bug fixes:
- PW Dual Cooling: The engine start will now only resume once both engines finished the cooling cycle
- A321 NEO will deflect ailerons up with ground spoilers independent of the Florence Kit setting.
- Rollout mode will now only disengage once you leave the runway
- Availability of ENG data on SD page depends on FADEC for NEO engines (on CEO engines, these pass directly through SDAC, on NEO they pass through FADEC)
- Aural alert volume does not reset to full on its own anymore.
- Added dry cranking sequence to LEAP engine
- Nosewheel animation deflects correctly now when using better pushback
- Unless in SRS mode, managed speed target cannot be less than green dot/s-speed or f-speed anymore even if there are flight plan constraints requesting less - it's the same in real life.
- 3d model fixes.
- Reduced crackling sound on NEO engines, improved whale and external startup sound for the PWG engines
- Windshield wiper volume now blends with cockpit sounds slider as it should.
V1.2 - December 13, 2020 (including the release of the A321 NEO Addon)
Changes from V1.1 (build 1254) to V1.2 (build 1290)
Please note:
This update is MANDATORY for the ToLiss A321 NEO add-on that
will be released in 2 days. The NEO add-on will NOT work with any ToLiss A321 version prior to this one.
Major new features:
- Support for the NEO package add-on featuring the PW1100G engine and the LEAP 1A engine, including 3 new fuselage exit configurations, A321 LR and XLR fuel tank configurations, A321LR and XLR weight envelopes, accurate fuel burn and climb performance, custom TSS sounds etc. (to be
released on December 15th 2020)
- Option to use imperial units for FMGS, weights and cabin temperatures
- Complete rework of engine failure handling: ECAM actions and speed target rework, beta target added
Minor new features:
- Improved lateral control laws for better handling during engine failures
- Added injected faults to the situation save.
- Complete rework for the managed speed computation for a given CI during the climb phase
- Retuning of the fuel burn for the existing engine types (IAE + CFM)
- Rework of the EWD for better accuracy of the representation
- Livery specific configuration items can now be done via a livery configuration file
- Added support for approaches with MA route points between the MAP and the runway, like e.g. LOWI RNP-Y for Rwy 08
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue with disappearing LOC indication when flying the LOC backcourse
- Fixed issues with Minimum callouts when they did not coincide with Radio altitude callouts
- Fixed issue with inconsistent runway naming between procedures and scenery
- Improved smart copilot synchronization of the MCDUs
- Fixed a bug leading to x-plane freeze when changing runway after a go around (under certain conditions)
- Hydraulic brake accumulator pressure does not change anymore when changing from yellow supply to accumulator supply without changing amount of braking
- Fixed an issue with alternate flight plan loading if alternate plan is in "fms" format.
- Cabin chime queue is fixed so that no chimes are lost anymore.
- Corrected the logic for AC power supply to the system 1 fuel pumps.
Direct supply from GEN1 now depends on the GEN 1 LINE switch as it should.
- Corrected vertical guidance for LOWI RNP RWY08 approaches. (You have to make sure to be at flaps 2 when crossing WI750/WI810, the subsequent
3.77deg slope cannot be flown clean without accelerating)
- ILS tracking retuning in LOC and G/S
- BSCU failures now actually do something.
- Limited alternate braking pressure to 1000psi
- Fixes to the VOR cone of confusion model - you do not lose DME or identifier anymore
- Improvements to ILS auto tuning
- Standby DDRMI now uses the same datasource as the VOR/ADF needles on the ND.
V1.1 - October 20, 2020
Changes from V1.0.4 (build 1202 ) to V1.1 (build 1254)
Major new features:
- Sound system fully transitioned to FMOD sounds including new sounds such as door opening/closing, electric hydraulic pump, brake fans, and
many more
- Joystick command support for TCA Sidestick and Thrust levers
- Addition of the Bottom of Descent and Descent profile intercept indicators
- Added simplified rain effects that also work under Vulkan/Metal
- Complete rework of PFD and ND drawing to improve representation
accuracy and drawing performance (time required to draw cut in half on
our test platform)
- Complete rework of the RAD NAV page, including custom VOR and NDB reception and decoding routines, appropriate ID vs frequency NavAid tuning and FMGS messages when performing manual ILS overrides.
- Big improvements to the SmartCopilot support: Both sides can brake, sidestick inputs are used simultaneously with Airbus style input priority logic, Popup MCDU is now useable
Minor new features:
- Added Stay-out zone for IAE engine on ground
- Adapted TCAS to new XP11.50 interface - now supporting up to 63 other aircraft
- Adapted TCAS to not issue alerts when flying parallel approaches, e.g. in KSFO
- Fine tuning of engine start timing to better reflect the differences between CFM and IAE engine
- Fine tuning of engine auto ignition logic
- Activation does not required aircraft reload anymore
- Idle factor on MCDU status page can be used to stretch or shrink the descent
- INIT page values CRZ TEMP and TROPO enter into the vertical FMGS predictions
- The pilot can now overwrite the ALTN fuel on the MCDU INIT B page
- Added functionality on OHP maintenance panel, like Blue pump override and FADEC ground power
- Main landing gear compression sounds are now faded in accordance with 3d sound fading option
- Improved flight phase logic for serial traffic circuits with full stop landings in between.
Bug fixes:
- Improved landing gear strut absorber deflections for more realistic ground attitude
- Fixed SD page displayed after landing after engine shutdown - it's back to DOOR/OXY as it should be
- Reduced time to disarm slides after landing when engines shut down and beacon off.
- Fixed numerous replay issues
- Fixed ISI reset issue on power transients
- Fixed TCAS panel CLR button behaviour
- Fixed cockpit brake pedal animations.
- GPWS does not issue glide slope warning anymore, unless you are on a ILS approach.
- LAND ASAP is now displayed above secondary failures, as it is in real life.
- Fixes to automatic SD page selection logic when ENG mode selector is set to IGN.
- Improvements to the display logics of the MCDU flight plan page.
- Corrected load assignments between generators to avoid generating power out of nothing.
- 3d cockpit model fixes
- Display of minima in the FMA now starts at 250NM from destination even when in phase cruise
- Improved Glide Slope tracking performance
- Improved GPWS mode 2 performance to reduce occurance of false warnings
- Fixed behaviour of FIX INFO page when two radials are entered and the first radial is cleared
- When copying the active FPLN into the SEC FPLN, the SEC FPLN page is now called automatically
- In DES phase, when extending flaps or slats, the managed speed target remains unaffected now, as it should
- When moving the thrust levers into reverse prior to touch down, the associated ECAM warning now self-clears upon touch-down
- Speed target in GA phase reduced to Green dot (rather than 250kts/CI speed)
- During TO, in SRS mode, the magenta bug now remains on the V2 mark, but the AP controls pitch to achieve a speed between V2+10 and V2+20 when all engines are operating
- KEDW is now available as an airport again.
V1.0.4 - May 30, 2020
Changes from V1.0.3 (build 1197) to V1.0.4 (build 1202)
Minor new features:
- FMGS now provides the extended runway centerline when selecting a runway without SID.
- Engine parameters shown on the ENG SD page are now routed through SDAC1 + SDAC2 rather than the FADEC.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue with entering a plan point in MCDU if alternate and active plan are both shown on FPLN page.
- Fixed issue with full deflection flight director just after take-off
- Fixed issue with popout windows changing size and position everytime they are closed and reopened.
- Fixed some ECAM text colors
- Fixed an issue with AP2/FD2 in any CLB or DES mode.
- Fixed an issue that can lead to the aircraft climbing in DES mode, when below minimum econ speed
- Fixed an issue with the temporary flight path not aligned when they should be.
- Fixed erroneous scaling of the vertical AP command in pitch speed control modes.
- Fixed order of MACH and IAS on PERF DES page
- Fixed sound player issues leading to crackling noises
- ISI backup power supply only available about 50kts CAS
V1.0.3 - May 9, 2020
Changes from V1.0.2 (build 1185) to V1.0.3 (build 1197)
We are glad to announce that the Vulkan/Metal compatibility update for the a321 is now available via the updater and should be available soon via direct download from the stores.
- The aircraft now works with OpenGL as well as Vulkan/Metal, you can use it with XP10.5x as well as XP11.3 or up.
- The Librain is a thirdparty plugin integrated into our aircraft. For
this to work under Vulkan/Metal, we have to wait until librain itself is
- The aircraft is "compatible" with Vulkan, it is not yet optimized for
it. Optimization is on our todo list for the future, however most people
have very good fps as it is now.
Minor new features:
- Added tail strike warning indication on PFD during landing
- Rework of PFD colours and Landing system symbology
- Added a warning, if experimental flight model is on, to ensure you switch it off and get the right performance
- Adapted aircraft to allow sounds and ground vehicles when using XP11.50 Vulkan including frame rate improvements
- Pause at T/D now stops one minute before reaching the T/D.
- Smoother FD and AP behaviour in managed descent.
Bug fixes:
- Improved Engine EPR indication to have realistic values (IAE engine only)
- Improved N2 windmilling value to avoid that a failed engine still produces hydraulic pressure when too slow for that.
- Acceleration and thrust reduction altitude on the GA page can now be entered correctly in flight
- Altitude bug indication on PFD now changes correctly between FL and ft indication.
- Reduced risk of overspeed during managed DES with high CI.
- Fixed a potential CTD when entering airways
- Fixed a bug with the import of custom scenery airport information
- Speed constraints are now ignored in the approach phase, as per discussion with RL A320 pilots.
- Fixed an issue with loss of approach type after inserting the secondary plan
- Fixed an issue with arrival procedures after inserting a secondary plan with a different arrival airport
- Fixed issues with the ToLiss sound player.
V1.0.2 - March 10, 2020
Changes from V1.0.1 (build 1181) to V1.0.2 (build 1185)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed crashes at T/D
- Fixed crashes when entering HOLD in secondary plan
- Limited Air pack outlet temperature to positive values
- Retuned approach attitude and speeds.
- Adapted AP logic for the case of pressing the ALT selector knob when flying along an altitude constraint
- Changed indications for FROM waypoint on MCDU to correctly show the values when passing the waypoint.
- Corrected estimated time of overfly of TO waypoint shown in ND
- Fixed flap track collision on right wing
- Fixed mapping conflict between speed brakes and sharklets
- Cabin lights switch off now during TO and LDG
- APU flap is animated now
- Fixed misalignment between speeds shown in PERF APPR page and on PFD
- Path computation improvements for corner cases
New minor features:
- ISCS TO performance calculator can now be forced to use TOGA thrust.
V1.0.1 - March 1, 2020
Changes from V1.0 (build 1178) to V1.0.1 (build 1181)
Bug fixes:
- XP10 acf file not showing Xplane model tail anymore
- Roll to NWS can now be used as it should
- Allow brake on one pedal setting is now saved
- Aural alert volume setting and saving via ISCS works correctly now
- Center for Copilot ND in Plan mode is now driven by copilot MCDU, as it should
- Fix main cause for crashes around T/D.
- Secondary flight plan airways now go into the secondary plan
- Added Doors to replay
- Corrected an approach stringing bug, highlighted for KDTW RKCTY2 arrival, via VALLI, ILS-Z 22R
- ILS 22R KDTW now have the G/S. (Nav database issue for which we coded a work-around.)
- Holdings not followed by a discontinuity now use the right entry pattern.
- Improved the situation save algorithm to reduce risk of crashes at autosave.
- Retuned the FLEX temp calculation of the TO performance calculator.
V1.0 - 28 February, 2020
The ToLiss A321 is released !